The Problem

The cultural boycott campaign is the newest and potentially most dangerous weapon of the boycott, divestment, and sanctions (BDS) movement.

When an artist books a trip (or concert) to Israel, BDS groups pressure him or her to cancel. They create photo-shopped images falsely associating Israel with destruction, racism, apartheid, the murder of children and worse. They circulate slanderous statements, letters, and petitions about both Israel and the artist on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Let’s face it, celebrities make the news. So even when an artist refuses to cancel (hundreds perform every year and very few cancel), the campaign and its false accusations get covered in publications across the world. Social media “sharing” spreads the lies further.

On the flip side, when Israeli artists perform for a foreign audience, there are calls for the venue to cancel, performances are disrupted and audiences are forced to walk past intimidating protesters. This negative association creates a false impression of Israel and subjects Israeli artists to harassment and discrimination.


The Solution

The goal of the cultural boycott is the same as other forms of BDS – to make Israel look like a villain – but the effective way to counter it is radically different. Here we can go on the offensive and bring the battle to BDS.

When we reveal the cultural BDS strategies of intimidation, discrimination, and censorship, we focus on the morality of the cultural boycott campaign itself. It’s a winning argument that puts BDS on the defensive.

When celebrities speak out against the cultural boycott and support pro-Israel organizations and missions, we are striking a blow against BDS lies and propaganda.

Liberate Art educates artists and audiences alike about the tactics, strategies, and goals of the cultural boycott campaign. We help pro-Israel, pro-peace groups execute their great ideas and projects, and we provide a platform for artists to speak out against BDS.

Our expertise stems from our one-on-one conversations/correspondence with close to a thousand representatives of artists targeted by the BDS.  

We have years of experience watching, analyzing and influencing the evolution of the cultural boycott campaign.