BDS Winning PR War by “Influencer-Marketing’


The BDS campaign was launched in 2005. While it attempted to package itself as a grassroots-led “human rights” organization, in reality, it politicized Israeli-Palestinian affairs and used a systematic campaign to demonize the Jewish state on the false pretenses of international law and UN resolutions.

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Lana Melman
Another wave of cancellations

This time at a fine art exhibition in northern Israel. Less than a month ago Tel Aviv’s LGBTQ film festival saw 4 cancellations due to boycott pressure. Arab boycotts of the Wonder Woman movie (because of its star, Gal Gadot, is Israeli) continue to percolate.

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Lana Melman
What moves a non-Jewish student to take a stand against anti-Zionist bullies on his college campus?

In this excellent article for the Observer by Shani Shahmoon, contributor to the Haym Salomon Center, University of California-Irvine (UCI) student Kevin Brum who is not Jewish was profoundly inspired by a scene in “Schindler’s List.” In the scene that replays in Mr. Brum’s mind, a Jew asks a Soviet soldier where to go, now that he was just liberated from the concentration camp—only to realize that no matter where he goes, he will be hated because he is a Jew.

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Lana Melman